Ordering Details:
  • You will receive a confirmation email after your order is placed.
  • You will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number once your order has shipped.
  • Call 803-728-0063 if you prefer to place your order over the phone
Payment Methods:
  • Visa, MasterCard, American Express
Sales Tax:
  • Sales tax will be charged on total merchandise.
Domestic Shipping
  • Free USPS standard shipping on ALL orders over $50
Returns & Exchanges
  • Within 14 days of receiving your item(s) (based on USPS timestamp date received), if you are not satisfied with the item(s), you may return your item(s) for an exchange or store credit.
  • Items must be in original condition, unworn, and undamaged in the original packaging. We reserve the right to deny an exchange or store credit if the item(s) returned are not in original condition or do not meet our quality standards.
  • Original shipping charges are non-refundable.
  • All exchanges require pre-authorization. You are responsible for shipping fees to return the item(s). Please email sugarandlola@gmail.com to obtain an authorization form. Exchanges may take up to 10 days to process from the date of receipt at the store. 
  • All sale items are FINAL SALE and may not be returned for an exchange or store credit.
Incorrect or Defective Item
  • We do everything possible to make sure your order is right. If you received an incorrect item or if the merchandise was damaged or defective, please contact us within 30 days by email at sugarandlola@gmail.com and we will take care of you.
  • We have a 30 day warranty for any chain or clasp defects. Email us right away if you have an issue with a damaged chain or clasp so that we can resolve the issue.
  • Contact us directly at sugarandlola@gmail.com if you have damaged your Sugar & Lola item(s) and need an estimate to repair. Generally, we can repair broken chains and clasps and minor damages. We will work with you the best we can to help.
  • Lost an earring? Contact us directly at sugarandlola@gmail.com to obtain an estimate to replace an earring. We will work with you the best we can to help.
Jewlery Care
  • Please keep in mind that all precious metals will tarnish with wear. The best way to avoid tarnishing is to not wear your jewelry in the shower or while working out and to keep it away from chemicals  such as chlorine, perfumes and lotions. Store your jewelry in a dry, air-tight container while you are not wearing it.
  • It is the customer’s responsibility to clean their own jewelry. Clean with mildly sudsy water, rinse well and pat dry with a scratch resistant cloth. Polish gently with a jewelry polishing cloth.